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Woman effortlessly conducting concept testing from her kitchen counter with a laptop

Look Before You Leap

Field Agent can find you a relevant sample
group who are qualified to provide the
customer insights you need to inform your new
product development. Images or video can be
shown to the group and both quantitative and
qualitative data obtained to round out your
marketing strategy.

Concept Tests by Field Agent send customers
into stores, onto websites/apps, or practically
anywhere to provide context-rich feedback
about ideas for new products or services, so you
can look before you leap.

Launch a Concept Test

Put your new idea to the test. Gather real shopper feedback.

Woman photographing a product on a store shelf for concept testing

How Field Agent Works

Field Agent crowdsource the smartphones of
everyday shoppers to equip brands, retailers,
and agencies with truly in-the-moment insights
into shopper behaviour.

Learn more about how it works →

Still Have Some Questions?

We can answer your questions and help solve your research needs.