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Shopper capturing a picture of shopping cart in the moment

Be Where It Matters When It Matters

If you need to understand how shoppers shop
for products or categories, nothing compares to,
well, actually being there when they shop for
products or categories.

Shop-Alongs by Field Agent provides context-rich in-the-moment insights into shopper behaviour by letting you follow shoppers in stores—navigating aisles, browsing selections, and, ultimately, making purchase decisions.

Launch a Shop-Along

Gather real shopper feedback now. Watch the data unfold.

Agent capturing a photo of product on shelf.

How Field Agent Works

Field Agent crowdsource the smartphones of
everyday shoppers to equip brands, retailers,
and agencies with truly in-the-moment insights
into shopper behaviour.

Learn more about how it works →

Still Have Some Questions?

We can answer your questions and help solve your retail needs.